Wednesday 9 September 2015

Dulce de leche

Dulce de leche is a creamy caramel sauce that`s made by simmering milk and sugar for long hours. We can easily make the same with a closed tin of condensed milk.

Condensed milk: 1 Can (Unopened)

Cooking time: 30 Minutes

In a pressure cooker place the grid so that the can does not touch directly on to the bottom of the cooker
Remove the stickers on the can and wash the outer surface of the can before placing it in the cooker. This is done so that the adhesive used for sticking will not stain your cooker
Now keep the can of unopened condensed milk on the grid and fill the cooker with enough water until the can is completely immersed.  Make sure that its not exceeding the maximum capacity of the pressure cooker.
Close the cooker and switch on the gas.  Wait until the steam starts to come and then put the whistle on
Once you hear the first whistle reduce the flame to low and simmer it for about 25 to 30 minutes
Switch off the gas and let it cool down completely
Once done take the can out and let it cool.  Do not open immediately after you take the can out of the cooker
Wait for a few hours and then you can open the can.
If not using immediately refrigerate it
You can use it for making cakes, brownies, pies or as topping for ice creams and cakes or even as a bread spread

After refrigerating it might become thick, so when you want to use it add the required amount of dulce de leche to a pan and heat it in very low flame adding 1 table spoon of milk.

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