Tuesday 3 May 2016

Coca Cola Bottle Cake / Coke Bottle Cake

Yes its a Cake a 3D Coke Bottle Cake....

Chocolate Chips: 300 gms
Coke Bottle: 1 (I have used a 500 ml bottle)
For cake
You can use any cake of your choice
I followed the recipe of simple tea cake.   For recipe of simple tea cake click here
For frosting (You can use any frosting chocolate ganache, butter cream etc)
Whipping cream: 1/4 Cup
Powdered Sugar: 1 Table Spoon
Vanilla Essence: 2 Drops

Preparation Time: 4 Hours 
Cooking Time: For Cake: 30 Minutes

First wash and dry the coke bottle well.
Carefully remove the label from the bottle and keep aside
Draw a square on the bottle as shown in the pic
Now using a craft knife or scissors cut through the marked square
Put the chocolate to a bowl.
Melt the chocolate by double boiling or in microwave
Let the melted chocolate cool well
Pour half of the melted chocolate to the bottle
Now swirl the bottle and spread the chocolate on all sides of the bottle
Tilt and remove the excess chocolate
Keep the chocolate coated bottle in fridge for 30 minutes (Do not freeze)
Now for the next coating take the coke bottle
Reheat the melted chocolate if required and let it cool well
Now pour the chocolate to the bottle.  Keep some melted chocolate for closing the opening of the bottle at the end
As before spread the chocolate well to all sides of the bottle.  Remove the excess chocolate.
Again keep in fridge for 30 minutes
Make the cake and let it cool
Slice the cake and keep it ready
Put powdered sugar and vanilla essence to the whipping cream and whip until soft peaks are formed
Now take the coke bottle from the fridge
Place a layer of the cake in the bottle.  Do not press the cake to the bottom.
Now spread a layer of whipping cream
Repeat with cake and whipping cream layers
The final layer near the opening in the bottle should be cake
Now spread the melted chocolate on the opening of the bottle and spread well
Keep in fridge for a minimum 2 to 3 hours so that the cake and the chocolate is well set before cutting
If you have time i would suggest you to keep it overnight in fridge before cutting
Now comes the tricky part
Take the set cake bottle out of the fridge
Carefully scrape the chocolate from the sealed edge so that the cut edge of the bottle is visible
Now we have to cut off the plastic bottle.
You need to start cutting the bottle from the edge of the opening which we had made before
Carefully insert the craft knife through the edge and start cutting
Take time and care fully cut the bottle without hurting yourself and the cake
In between cutting if you feel the chocolate is melting keep it back in fridge for 5 to 10 minutes and then cut again
I would suggest you to wear gloves while cutting so that your finger prints wont be on the cake
Cut the entire plastic bottle and take your cake out and apply some melted chocolate on the label and attach it back on to the cake
There you go your coke bottle cake is ready
There are many videos in you tube for making the chocolate coke bottle.
You can fill in the chocolate bottle as per your wish


  1. Woah! Read the recipe the way I read a suspense thriller novel. Good job. Needs a lot of patience.. So I leave it to you to do the making and I shall do the eating!

    1. Dear Helios,
      Thank you so much.... Well, the recipe is a bit lengthy, but the making procedure is easy. But the plastic bottle cutting part is the risky and time taking one. You need a lot of patience for the same...
      Thanks & Regards
      Anjali Abhilash

  2. This is the best tutorial I have seen - thank you :)

    1. Dear Nanna (Pyntekagen),
      Thank you so much for such nice words...It means a lot to me...
      Thanks & Regards
      Anjali Abhilash

  3. Hiii..do v need to cut d cake right away after demoulding it frm d bottle? Or can i keep d cake out for sometime..n later cut it? Will d cake lose its shape if v keep it fr some hours out?wanted to mske it fr a party..😊

    1. Hi Anu
      You dont have to cut the cake immediately after demoulding. Cake wont loose its shape fast. But yes the outer chocolate coat will become soft and will start to melt if kept outside for long hours. After demoulding you can keep in fridge for some time so that the chocolate coating will become hard and will not melt easily. Hope it helps.. Happy cooking and do post your results too
      Thanks & Regards

  4. Thanks so much for replying..Yes i definitely will if its a success 😊 loved ur detailed tutorial..thanks a tonne..n keep up d good work 😊😘

  5. Thanks so much for replying..Yes i definitely will if its a success 😊 loved ur detailed tutorial..thanks a tonne..n keep up d good work 😊😘

    1. Thank you so much dear... And all the best for your attempt of making the cake..Happy Cooking...
      Thanks & Regards
