Wednesday 1 August 2012

Chocolate Cake Pudding

Who doesn't like chocolate? And chocolate cake pudding...mmmm......
Ingredients (Serves 8 to 9 People)

Chocolate Cake: 250 gm
Milk: 1/2 Litre
Sugar: 4 - 5 Table Spoon
Custard Powder: 1 Table Spoon
Gelatin: 1 Table Spoon
Water: 1/4 Cup
Vanila Essence 2 - 3 drops

Cooking Time: 25 to 30 minutes

Powder the chocolate cake
Make Sugar syrup by mixing 1 Table Spoon of Sugar in 1/4 Cup of water.
Soak gelatin in little cold water, once completely soaked make hot water and keep the gelatin container on top of it.Make the gelatin to liquid form
Boil half of the milk adding 2 Table spoons of sugar, to this add liquid gelatin
Add vanilla essence to the milk
Pour this to a setting tray
Once this cools put the powdered cake on top and sprinkle the sugar syrup
Put the cashew nuts and cherry on top.
Dissolve custard powder in little milk
Boil rest of the milk by adding 2 table spoons of sugar
Once the milk boils well add the dissolved custard powder stir well and let it boil well.
Pour this on top of the cake pudding and keep for setting
Decorate as per your wish and serve cold